May 24, 2014

An exciting bit of kit - our new Coravin System is simply brilliant!< back to Our Journal

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We've been dying to get our hands on a Coravin system for ages and this week it finally arrived from the U.S. The idea is genius - you can enjoy a glass of wine from a bottle and keep the rest, unspoilt, for days, weeks, months or even longer.

How does it work? A thin, hollow needle is inserted into the cork. The bottle is pressurised with argon gas and the wine then travels through the needle into the glass. Once the needle is removed the cork reseals itself so the wine isn't oxidised and can keep on evolving naturally.

It's perfect for enabling us to taste from the same bottle over time to see how our wines are developing and really handy when we're out and about seeing customers and stockists. Plus it comes in useful at home when she wants Malbec and he wants Cab Franc!

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